Independent Documentaries
Swiftwater Media has completed four independent documentaries. While they are a labor of love they are also personally rewarding. Check out the Awards we have won during our film festival run for our latest feature-length doc, In Pursuit of Justice.
In Pursuit of Justice — How Criminal Justice Reform Freed Greg Taylor
Greg Taylor spent 17 years in prison for a murder he did not commit. A precedent setting hearing set him free and rocked North Carolina’s criminal justice system. This landmark case highlights a groundbreaking legal process needed nationwide. The time is now. Learn more about this full-length documentary.
In Pursuit of Justice is available to the educational market and for community screenings (as little as $89) through our distributor, The Video Project. It is also available though Kanopy which provides streaming services to Universities and some public libraries. Click either logo to find the film.
Greg Taylor – Ghost
Swiftwater Media began documenting the story of Greg Taylor shortly before he was released in 2010. This trailer is for Greg Taylor-Ghost, a short film we made about the seventeen years he served for a crime he did not commit and his lost relationship with his daughter. This film has been shown in six film festivals and honored in three by winning “Best of the Fest,” “Best Documentary,” and a Judge’s Choice nomination.
Greg Taylor – Ghost is available for purchase or streaming.

Peelers, Busters, and Soft Shell Crabs
Have you ever asked yourself the burning question, “Where do soft shell crabs come from, anyway?” My friend, Carroll Leggett, and I have the answer in this documentary.
Peelers, Busters, and Soft Shell Crabs is available for purchase or streaming by clicking the trailer, above.
The Real Cost of Coal
Swiftwater Media partnered with Amy Garland and the Blessings Project to produce The Keeper of the Mountains, Larry Gibson. Larry was one of the first people to fight against our nation’s dependence on coal and mountain top removal coal mining. It was tragic to stand on the top of a mountain that was his family’s homestead and see the devastation that surrounds it. Larry passed away from a heart attack in 2012. He was still defending his ancestral home. This is the trailer for that project.